Tool for Creating PDF Tutorial

4:19 PM

Today, a lot of people search tutorial how to bla bla bla. Many people write the tutorial with their style. But many people are asking how to make a tutorial? Just write what you know step by step and then you've created the tutorial. Many friend asking me what tool we used for creating tutorial. I like writing, so i prefer to create pdf tutorial than create video tutorial. I've some reason for my choice, they are
  • PDF Tutorial is smaller than Video tutorial for the best quality of image. I don't need a long time for upload. As you know, today in Indonesia i can't get great connection of internet
  • I prefer reading than watching, with pdf tutorial we can read again and again the point we don't understand. The video tutorial make me to rewind the video again and again. And i don't like it :D
  • In PDF tutorial we can read clearly the instruction. On video tutorial sometimes i can't understand the instruction, because speech in another country is different. I think not bad if international video tutorial giving the subtitle :lol. 

If you want my tutorial just visit, because all of my tutorial on this site and using bahasa Indonesia, someday i will write tutorial with english, but you can download my digital piano and traditional flute 3D application using blender on there for english version.

There, i want share what software i use for creating pdf tutorial. All of software i use is open source software for creative suite :D

Shutter ~ screenshot application for take what you do in desktop. You can directly edit your screenshot there for croping, marking, bluring and other effect. Download the softwar for free on shutter project.
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LibreOfficeWritter ~ application using for creating document and you can directly export pdf from this application. You can't customize the layout freely. Because this application focus on text writing.
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Scribus ~ Application for create layout, it like Libreoffice but focus on layouting. You can export pdf from this application too like LibreOffice. Feel free to create customization layout with scribus. I've create an ebook called "Jurus Scribus". You can download Jurus Scribus for free.
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Inkscape ~ Is an open source software for creating vector image like corel draw or adobe illustrator. It helpfull for create an vector image for ilustrastion your pdf tutorial
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GIMP ~ is the image manipulation for image. Sometimes i need it for reduce the size of image. It can reduce the pdf size too.
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All software i use is an open source software. You can download them for free and legal. Feel free for download ;). I hope you can enjoy the software for creating many pdf tutorial. If you have another open source software for creating a pdf document let me know.

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