Animation Community Project

10:30 PM

Iam studying Multimedia Broadcasting on Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya. And now we are on holiday! I've joined MMBAnimation community, and we learn more about animation there. We have done stop motion project before. In this holiday we have a 3D Animation project called "Project Ayam" but, you can translate it with "Chicken Project".

I want share just a little about our community project. We are updating the process on MMBAnimation official blog. You can keep update with our project, but on community project we are using Bahasa Language. If you want to read it, maybe you need to translate using google translate.
chicken project
Chicken Project Cover

The project still running on PRODUCTION, we have been passed the PRE PRODUCTION process. We try to adopt the Pixar storyboard presentation called pin up storyboard. We share what the producer and storyboard artits imagine the storytelling. We get many comment and revision from another community member.
pin up storyboard
pin up storyboard
Our project using cartoon style, so don't imagine the realistic character on our project. The story take setting on Surabaya slum. There is the concept art of character.
character concept art
Character concept art
We are using OPEN SOURCE and FREE SOFTWARE because we are believe with open source software we can do great thing. Blender open movie project make us believe that open source more than enough. There is our tool

The main software that we use is Blender, blender is great multimedia open source software, we will  use it for creating Model, Rigging, Animation, UV, Editing Video, Compositing and Rendering.
blender gui
Blender GUI
We are using GIMP and MyPaint for coloring and draw the texture.
Inkscape for vector and the audacity for the audio editing.
We are working on home, because it's holiday. So, we are using Dropbox for sycn the project member project folder. But, we also using Lab on campus, but not all student can come, because some student came from another city. So we still using dropbox for sync eventhough we are using Lab on campus. The dropbox folder can be our project back up :)
dropbox file
Now, we still confuse on character rigging, because no one expert on 3D, and we are start this project from ZERO. We still research the rig that character need. It's seven rig and they are failed. But we still try to get the best rig  for our chicken character. There is some research of our rig
neck problem
neck problem
playing with pole IK. just for fun
Another member start to draw the texture on the GIMP and MyPaint, after draw the texture, we trying to attach on 3D model, and there is the result.
uv texture
UV texture
We are need comment and suggestion about this project, if you interest to contribute with your comment on our project, just visit and leave comment on the post.

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