How To Create Teleprompter Web Base I

7:08 AM

How To Create Teleprompter Web Base Part I – The Teleprompter, what is it? The Teleprompter is a tool to read for people who are going to speak in public, usually in front of the camera as presenters of news, so the host doesn’t have to read the text many times. With the help of a teleprompter, they can read without being discovered while reading. On this Occasion I would like to write a tutorial step by step about how to create web based teleprompter. Why web based? Because coursework about internet broadcasting is indeed like this :D. An example of a demo can be seen at Telepropter Panduaji pages.
How To Create Teleprompter Web Base will be written on 4 parts:

  1. The concept of the Teleprompter and how to create the database and tables.
  2. Create data input page for author news.
  3. Display a database in a web base teleprompter.
  4. Add the Chat on a teleprompter.

The Teleprompter is used for radio broadcasts, it may also be used to television broadcast. Up To You! Immediately follow this series of tutorials :D

Teleprompter Web Base Concept

An news author input the news that should be read by an announcer over a page that contains a form for it. Then with a few php functions, results of the input by the news author is stored in a database. After that the announcer gets a news option that will be read. It’s up to news anchor will select which news. When author input the news, it will automatically appear a new news option in a new window the news anchor. Hopefully you guys understand with the explanation. Still confused? See picture below.


Teleprompter Concept

Before creating a database, make sure you’ve installed the server applications such as XAMPP or LAMPP. Use the others as well is up to you. Who do not yet know how to installing please check my post on how to install wordpress in ubuntu. In this article, i will discuss how to create the database and table that i would use to save the input.

Activate the first server application that you’ve installed, whether it’s XAMPP, LAMPP, or phptriad. It’s up to you. For using LAMPP in ubuntu just like me, can use the command
sudo /opt/lamp/lamp start

After that open a browser and enter the address of localhost/phpmyadmin. Select the database, and create a database with the name of the teleprompter (example)
create database
create database
After the database is created, then we create a table that will be used to store each of the input entered by the author of the news. Remember, the author of the news unlike news anchor!! Open the telepropter database that we have created, then add create new table. Create a table with the name of input, in the table enter some parameters below


After that choose storage engine to MyISAM, still confused? Following this screenshot
create database table
create database table
I Hope you understand with this first part tutorial and wait for the tutorial to make teleprompter web base only at  :D

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