How To Make Your Website Online

6:55 AM

Build your own website sounds interesting! You can make your profile online on the web and can read by people arround the world. But if you dont know how to make your web online you need to read this blogpost. Because i want to share everything that you need to make your website online on this post!

Build Website is Build You Home Online

Build Your Own Website
Build Your Own Website
Before explain element that you need to make sure your website online, i have simple ilustration about web and the element that i hope can make you understanding the concept.

What's domain? What's Hosting?

On the first time you dont need to know technical about domain, you just need to understanding what is domain mean? I ilustrate that domain is your physical address, your home address, your appartement adress or your building address. This domain make people easy to know where are you!

Then the hosting is a land that you need to build a house. You can't build house on the water or the air! So, you need to buy hosting for building house. And you need to buy domain to make people can get you easily then you need to build your own home on the hosting. So the people can see your home online.

Because website is like a house but on the internet. You need to make sure that your house is beautiful and welcome to everyone!

Create Your Page

The first thing before think how to make the web online is build your own website. You can create simple html to build your page. Or you can download many free or paid html template then edit the template with your information.

I prefer you to make your own html page with notepad or another simple software because want to make you understanding about developing web. You can easily create page using many conten management system but it can make you confuse about element that can make your own website online.

If you want to buy premium template you can go to themeforest for many premium design template with cheap price

Buy Domain and Hosting

After creating html page, next thing that you need to things is buy domain and hosting. For the domain, you can buy everywhere that you trust. But for the hosting you need to know best hosting service.

If you choose worst hosting company, sometimes you will get your website offline because the server not online or down. It make people can access your website so the cant go to your home on the net. If you running business on your homepage, it can make loss profit.

I suggest you to buy hosting and domain on one company. It will help you on the next year because you just need to pay on one comapny.

Where I Can Get Domain and Hosting? 

If you are looking for domain and hosting, i am using two hosting company for many web i've develop. You can use it too with cheap price. Here two hosting company that i've use now for many clients website.

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