Bouncing Ball Rigging Blender Tutorial

8:37 AM

Bouncing Ball, is one of the simplest models to learn 12 principles of animation. Therefore, starting from the modeling, rigging material up to a very simple and uncomplicated. The model can simply use the Sphere with the necessary rigging. Why not elaborate? because the ball we do not need to make rigging the hand. Simply rigging an armature with 3 bone will suffice. Here is step by step to create a simple rigging to bounce ball.
simple character rig
  • Open blender and delete the default cube > change view to front ortho [Numpad 1 (front view)> Numpad 5(orthographic / perspektif] > Add [Shift A] > Mesh > UV Sphere > Setting Segment: 16 dan Rings: 8
step one
  • Go to Edit Mode [TAB] > selection the lowest Vertex > Snap [Shift S] > Cursor to Selected
step two
  • Back to Object Mode [TAB] >  Wireframe View [Z] >Add [Shift A] > Armature  > Single Bone
step three
  • Back to Solid View [Z] > Object Data > Display: activate B-Bone dan X-Ray.
step four
  • Make sure the armature is right in the middle of the UV Sphere. To be sure, we can look at using Quad View [Ctrl + Alt + Q]. After fitting in the middle, to return to the previous display by pressing the same button [Ctrl + Alt + Q].
step five
  • Before proceeding to the next step, we need to know first armature and Bone, in order to distinguish between the armature and Bone
introduction to armature component
  • Bone can be interpreted as a bone. While the armature is a collection of bone (bone). Thus, the armature consists of a Bone
  • With the armature selected into edit mode [TAB]> selection of the top of the Bone and pull in the direction of axis Z [G> Z] (Do not Rotate [R] and Scale [S] the Bone)> Bone Position under UV Sphere, as in the image below. To ensure the bone ends up at the bottom vertex snap to use [Shift S] > Selection to Cursor
step six
  • Still in Edit mode, Add [Shift A]> appears a new bone> moved to Object Mode [TAB]> UV Sphere Selection> Edit Mode Login [TAB]> Selection topmost vertex> Snap [Shift S ]> Cursor to Selected> Go to Object Mode [TAB]> Selection bone ends up> Snap [Shift S]> Selected to Cursor> Add [Shift A]. Total bone there are 3.
step seven
step eight
  • Give name for each bone with clicking Bone menu. Lowest bone with name ground, center bone with name body, top bone with name control.
step nine
  • Still in Edit Mode, the selection body bone. Parent with ground and activate Connected. Enable Deform> Segment 12.
step ten
  • Go to Pose Mode [Ctrl TAB] > Bone Constraint > Add Constraint > Stretch To > Target: Armature, Bone: control
step eleven
  • Go to Edit Mode > Select control bone > Parent to ground.
step twelve
  • Back to Object Mode > selection the UV Sphere > Go to Edit Mode > Select All [A] > Object Data > Vertex Group > Add > Give name body (name of vertex group must be same with bone name, case sensitive) > Assign
step thirteen
  • Modifiers > Add Modifier > Armature > Object: Armature dan Vertex Group: body.
To animate the UV sphere we just moving control bone in pose mode. And if we want to forward or backward just moving the ground bone
test on pose mode
If you feel challenged and want to better please try modeling a more complicated course. Hopefully useful dan you can enjoying this simple tutorial :)

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