Shutter As Default on Ubuntu 12.04

10:40 AM

Shutter is my favorite tool for taking screesnhot of my desktop, especially for creating step by step tutorial. With shutter i can edit directly on shutter after taking screenshot, so i can get the final image after taking screenshot and edit what i need when i save the image. This tool really cool!

I've using Ubuntu 12.04 for a month, and i have problem with shutter when i want take the screenshot of my desktop. I've set shutter as default for taking screenshot like on my last ubuntu distribution but it's not work. There is how to set shutter as default form shutter website, it's not work on my machine.
Iam trying to use dconf editor, gconf editor and other, but i can't find the answer how to set shutter as default. When i asking my friend, i got the answer and the solution to set shutter as default. There is step by step set shutter as default screenshot tool. It will be replacing gnome-screenshot shortcut.
  • You must install shutter on machine. Open shutter and go to preferences and open keyboard tab. Set shutter key for taking screenshot (I think it's not important because we will using command like this feature).
shutter preferences as default
shutter preferences as default
  • Open system settings, select keyboard menu. Open shortcut tab and then select Custom shortcut. Adding new command with pressing ( + ). Give command name as you like but you must enter command with shutter -f. It's command for taking full window screenshot with shutter.
set shorcut for shutter taking screenshot
set shorcut for shutter taking screenshot
  • Set the disable key and change it with print button or other. If you using print button, it will replacing gnome-screenshot key. So you will using shutter for taking screenshot.
I hope this simple tutorial is usefull. Happy taking screenshot with shutter ;)

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  1. It works! Thank you ;)

  2. Thank you, this worked for me!! I used shutter -f for full screen and shutter -s for selection.....

  3. Yeah, you are right! Thanks for leaving comment


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