Passive Income From Social Network Account

9:26 AM

Several days ago I found the information about how to collect money from internet easily. You have to have social media account, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. If you are exist in social media, you can easily get dollars. Furthermore, don't worry about getting scam. I have got the fee twice although under 1 dollar. Before trying you have to follow this:

Prepare PayPal Account

This is a must if you want to get the fee because all of your fee would be sent on your PayPal account. Why should we prepare a verified PayPal Account? Becau if it's not you can't receive your fee. If you can, you still can't cash it trough local bank, moreover your transaction would be limited to $100. If you feel difficult in making PayPal account because you have no credit card, you can buy vss which valid until one-two years with Rp. 100.000 price. Be careful whe choosing, or you can contact me. If your verified PayPal is ready, go to the next step.

Firefox Browser

Can I use Google Chrome, safari, or Internet Explorer? No! Untill I posted this article only Firefox browser supported. Because to share or twit we use the toolbar that only on Firefox. How about from mobile phone? Can't. Because according to me, Firefox in mobile version have no Adds-On yet. May be smartphone user can share here.

Register First

This is the nest step. Register in SocialLink. Use Firefox to prevent changing browser. There are 4 register option:

  • Social Link Seller : You will get money when share it to social media
  • Social Link Advertiser : You become an advertiser who buy links from the seller
  • Social Link Seller+Advertiser : You can become link seller and advertiser, up to you
  • Only Affiliate : You will get money when anyone register trough your account

I choose becoming Social Link Seller + Advertiser because I will need this someday. It's free. Choose according to your need. Choose PayPal as payment method, so the payment would be connect to your PayPal account. So that I suggest you to have verified account.

Installing Firefox Adds-On

To do all of your duties, you have to install Adds-On Firefox Social Link which can be download at official site of SocialLink. After that don't forget to activate that Adds-On. Then you will find a toolbar below your browser's address bar.

Connect to Social Media

There are 3 social media which support this, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Authorize your social media account to determine the price for every advertisement you share. Each of my social media priced $0.1 (Google+ and Twitter). After authorization, you can earn your dollars!

Authorize Account
Authorize Account

Searching Job in Social Link

Search your job at Social Linkss > Sell Social Links. There are several articles which you can share below. Make sure that you open the article which completed with active social media icon. Probably because your SLM score doesn't match with the advertiser's request. If only Twitter active you can share that link on Twitter. If you share it on Facebook you wouldn't be payed.
social share job
social share job
To get your fee, open that link on new tab. When you open that it, social media icon at SLM toolbar would be active. Click the icon, then new window to share or tweet will appear. After share it you only permitted to share maximal 2 links for every social media because it you share too much it will admitted as spam and will worst the advertiser. The payment will be done early month. You will receive email from PayPal. I just realize that it has been a month I join this program and only work 2 times. So, I still haven't get much money yet. This is the prove that this sistem is really pay you.
Want to try? Join SLM, collect dollars little by little. Who knows one day you will need it? Hope that this article will help you who want to get money from internet. Join SLM now.

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