Learn How To Create Wordpress Plugin

6:49 PM

Sometime i need shortcode plugin on wordpress for creating something like download button, table design, and other. But i want to use my design for it. Some design not suitable with i want. So, i think the solution for this problem is creataing my own wordpress plugin :D. So i decided to learn how to create wordpress plugin.

Let start learning about wordpress plugin with fun and simple thing that you don't need to knowing programming. Because on this post i want share how to create plugin header on wordpress. You just need to copy and paste the code to make header plugin. If you don't know what is header plugin, I hope the screenshot below can help you to understad what i mean.

Header plugin give you information / description about the plugin. You don't need to know php programming to do that. Let start learning how to develop wordpress plugin

Create Header Plugin

Let start with installing wordpress on your local server. After installing on a local server, go to wp-content/plugin folder. On plugin folder, create a folder for keep your plugin. Give the name of folder same with the name of your plugin. See the picture below for the example

After that, let create blank file with extension .php. For example, create namaste-fileviewer.php. After creating blank file, lets open the file and copy the script below
Plugin Name: Your plugin name 
Plugin URI: Your plugin url
Description: your plugin description
Version: 1.0.0
Author: your name
Author URI: your blog / website url
License: your plugin license

After fill the php file with the script, open your wordpress dashboard (don't forget to run you localserver first). You will found your own plugin. You can activated and deactive the plugin. But, if you only have header plugin, it's don't affect anything on your wordpress site

I hope you like this post and can help you learn how to develop wordpress plugin :D. If you have create plugin, let share with me. How to create wordpress plugin. Because i am still learn how to create wordpress plugin for what i want.

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