Wordpress Hosting Transfer

1:36 AM

Hosting is important things on website. Because, without hosting, the website can't be online and accessible by visitor. Hosting affect your site performance. If your hosting plan can't provide what your website need, i recomend you to transfer to another hosting plan.

Why i must transfer to another web hosting plan? Because if your hosting can't provide what you need, it can make the visitor can't access your website. It will make your website perform really bad on search engine. This is the main reason why you should transfer hosting plan when your hosting can't provide what you need.

high speed internet accessOn this post, i want share what i've do with Blender Army Indonesia website community to choose another hosting plan. I will write step by step transfer website hosting from a hosting provider into another hosting provider. The concept is same, just implement the concept.

Before transfering the website, make sure that you are on high speed internet access. I am using PENS internet access during transfer the website. It will be make your transfer so fast. You don't need to waiting too long during transfer.

How to Transfer Wordpress Hosting

There are several step that you have to do to transfer your wordpress hosting. Just follow what i've do. Because its work!


Before you transfer your wordpress hosting, you need to backup all data from old hosting. I think all website hosting provide backup tool for any membership, include the free hosting. You need back up these files
  • wp-content folder
  • .htaccess
  • database.


wp-content containt all data of your post such as article, image, video, themes, plugin, etc. You need download it first. If your website containt many image and article, you will need to download big data. So you need high speed internet connection.


Containt several configuration for your server that can help improve your server security such as
  • Block the visitor to access the server directory
  • Block IP
  • Redirect page
  • Website permalink
  • Hot link protection, etc


Contain information all data saved of your website such as author, administrator, comment and many more. All wordpress blog and dynamic website need database. Without database, your wordpress site can't work. After transfer the wp content but you don't restore the database, you content can't show on your blog.

After backup and download three important things that I've mention before. you need to upload to new web hosting server.  After downloading the files, i am using filezilla to upload the content. If you understand how SSH Work, you can transfer from old hosting to new hosting without download it first.

Install Wordpress

install wordpress automatically
Install wordpress on new hosting server before you upload the content. You can using automatic wordpress instalation that have provide by hosting server. If you want to install manualy, up to you. I just want simple with automatic installation :D


After installing the wordpress on new server, you need to restore all data from your old website. Look the instruction below.

Restore wp-content

Go to file manager on new web hosting and delete wp-content folder that created from wordpress installation. After deleting the wp-content, you need to upload wp-content from old hosting to replace deleted wp-content that generated from new wordpress instalation.

Restore Database

I don't want to change .htaccess and other configuration so i decided to drop all database on new wordpress installation and import the database from the dataabase backup. With this way, you don't need to add  new user to the database because the database name, etc is same.

Change NS Server of Domain

After everything restored, just change your name server on domain control panel to new ns from new web hosting. Wait about 2 - 4 hours to pointing the domain name system. After that, just see your website can online again on new webhosting server. 

If you confuse about webhosting, i recomend you to user hakwhost. I've web hosting plan there. I never saw my website down on their server. If you want to change to another cms, read how to choose blog cms

I hope the tutorial how to transfer wordpress hosting can help you transfer the hosting plan. If you need help, feel free to contact me :).

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