[Blog Tips] Choose Blog CMS

8:02 PM

Blog Tips: Choose Blog CMS - Making a blog need a lot things that should be considered, especially what the purpose write on the blog? By knowing the purpose we can find out what we need to create the blog. On this post, let discuss how to choose Blog CMS (Content Management System) for our blog.

You can find a lot CMS but I think 2 most favourite CMS on this planet is wordpress and blogger. I am using blogger and wordpress, so let discus about them. Here is what i need to prepare when using that CMS.
Blog CMS
Blog CMS
Blogger Platform
With Blogger, I think we don't need prepare anything because everything was provide by google (hosting and domain *.blogspot.com). You just need to register to gmail and you get the blogger access. If you want to change domain to TLD you can buy direct blogger or buy on another domain seller.

Wordpress Platform
You can use wordpress CMS direct on wordpress.com for free or download the cms on wordpress.org and you need to buy hosting and domain. Let discuss them

If you are using wordpress.com you can use the domain and hosting for free, same with when you are using blogger.com. But you need to know what i hate from wordpress.com for references:
  1. We can't sell product on wordpress.com site (all commercial things will banned)
  2. If you want to change the domain, you must buy direct from wordpress
  3. If you want to adding hosting limited, you must buy direct from wordpress.
But the problem can solved by downloading wordpress cms on wordpress.org, but you need to prepare domain and hosting first.
  1. Hosting for upload wordpress cms and other files
  2. Domain for access your wordpress blog
You can buy from your favourite hosting and domain site like hostgator. You can use it for selling commercial product, place adsense, etc. It more freedom than using wordpress.com.

I never using drupal an other cms right now, but someday i will try anothre blog cms.

Read in Bahasa:  Tips Memilih CMS Blog
Image source: aweber.com

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