Delete Unused Image from Blender

8:44 AM

Delete Unused Image from Blender - My friend ask to me, how to remove unused image from uv image editor? Because when he delete the image, the image still can see from the list. He need to completely remove from Blender.

I think it's very important, because if you work with many texture, unused texture will appear on the list. Sometimes it will make you confuse which texture that should you choose. On this blogpost, i am trying to write step by step removing unused image from Blender.

Open a model that use image texture.
Remove Unused Texture on Blender
Remove Unused Texture on Blender
Press shift on keyboar and click [X] on image list

Remove Unused Texture on Blender
Remove Unused Texture on Blender
When you open the list of image, you will found [0] in front of image name. It mean, this is unused texture / image.
Remove Unused Texture on Blender
Remove Unused Texture on Blender
After that you can continue your work, the image will gone after you save your blend file and close Blender. You will know when open the file again.

Happy Blending!

Baca tulisan ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia: Tutorial Menghapus Gambar di Blender

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