How To Create Custom Domain on Blogger

8:04 AM

How to Custom Domain Blogger - Blogger is a blogging platform that is currently owned by google. Each blog is using the engine bloggers will have subdomain * In this post, I want to share how to create custom domain blogger. For the pepole who are new to the blog world might be wondering, what the custom domain on blogger?

Blogger custom domain is a way to change the subdomain * be the name of or the other. Like, initially was When you open you will redirec to It is easier to remember and cool right :D?

Blogger Custom Domain

Before following this tutorial, there are several requirements that must be met. Here’s a list of requirements.
  1. Must already have a blog on blogger
  2. Should have bought the domain that you want to use. you can start with domain .com .net .info etc. it just need about $10 for a year.
Actually quite 2 points above to follow tutorial how to do blogger custom domain. If you do not have a 
domain, you can buy at godady, namecheap and the other domain provider.

Setting Custom Domain Blogger

After buy a domain, let start set up custom domain on blogger. Open setting in blogger dashboard and select submenu basic. Add custom domain publishing, so you can enter your domain name on the box. You must adding www. on the front domain like the picture below

custom domain blogger
After you save it, you will get an error message like that. We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 12. You got this message because you haven't verified ownership of the domain. You must verify by adding DNS record on the domain settings that can be do through cpanel domain.

verify ownership domain

Change DNS Record Domain

Lets login into cpanel domain and manage DNS. open CNAME Records and enter the parameter that have provide by google to verify your domain. After you set up the CNAME, you will get like image below
cname records
After set CNAME record, we need to set A Name record. So the people who visit your naked domain like will be redirect to 

Hostname Destination
After set it, wait about 1 - 3 hours and save the setting on the blogger. Let the server pointing new dns for your domain. If you don't know how to set it, please contact customer support of the domain.

Redirect Naked Domain Blogger

If you success save setting domain without error message, congratulations! your blog now can access with custom domain blogger. It means your domain pointing into google host. If you still can't save it, just waiting for 24 hours.

Let start redirect naked domain into www. sub domain. When you don't redirect the domain you must enter to open this page. But with redirect, you can enter and the site will be redirect into automatically.

I think, tutorial how to create custom domain on blogger is enough. I hope, this simple tutorial can help you to using custom domain on blogger. Cheers!

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